Thursday, August 31, 2006

Separation Anxiety

Last night was yet another milestone for Caleb. Chris and I put him in the nursery at church for the very first time. It was for the Wednesday night teaching time that Chris and I attend now. (Note: Our Teaching Pastor is doing a 12 week series on Revelation...verse by verse. Fascinating!) Anyway, Caleb joined us for dinner and then we checked him in. I figured Wednesday night would be a good time to try the nursery out because it was somewhat less hectic than Sunday morning or Saturday night. Handing him over to the lady was hard. I told them that I am nursing him but it was okay to try a bottle first. I provided the bottle with a probably over supplied diaper bag. They carried him away and Chris and I went on to the teaching time. Soon after we arrived the number '1343' popped up on the pager monitor and I was convinced it was Caleb even though his number is '1345.' I had just written the number down wrong, right? My baby needed me. Well, as can be expected it wasn't Caleb. I did peek in on his room and he was actually doing okay. He was being cared for by a very sweet looking grandmotherly type lady. The whole infant room was grandmotherly type ladies. They can take care of babies. Yes, they can. I had to keep telling myself that until I was able to return to the service. The parts of the lesson I actually heard were very interesting. But, I just kept thinking about caleb. I even left 5 minutes early so I could pick him up before the rush. I peeked in his room first and saw him being cuddled in a blanket and he was fast asleep in the ladies arms. Now, I felt kind of guilty because he looked so comfortable. I manged to pick him up and I felt complete again. The first nursery visit was now over. I did far worse than he did. I know that this will probably be a fluke experience. I know that I will probably be called to the nursery plenty of times in the future. I am just thankful for this good experience. Yeah, Caleb! We did it!

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