Friday, November 16, 2007

So Tired....Zzzzzz....Oh Sorry!

Can you tell that I'm really tired today? Yesterday was so long and exhausting. I thought I was on the way to normalcy and Caleb to health when I wrote this post. After dinner I went to Chris' parent's house to pick up Caleb from my Quick Reprieve and he was doing great. Whoo! I thought we were over the hill. Well, around 8 or so he woke up SCREAMING like he had done two previous times that day. I held him, rocked him, played the piano, etc. Finally, it took a good dose of Tylenol and his stuffed monkey that did the trick. He went on to bed.

While Caleb is fighting his issues I am fighting my sinuses. It happens every year around this time. So, I had taken some Sinus Meds and those usually keep me awake at night if I take them too late in the day. The meds are doing their job and I feel much better except for a lack of sleep.

Perhaps the Lord was keeping me up so that I would hear Caleb screaming at 1 am. We had another round of rocking, singing, monkey, and a dose of Ibuprofren this time. He went on to sleep and stayed there until 7 am.

I am calling the Doctor Man at 8:30 and am going to get Caleb an appointment. He's been tugging at his ear much more than I would like. I'll keep you posted on that. The good news is that Caleb is playing pretty hard with Eowyn right now.

Please pray that we get to the bottom of this illness so that Caleb can feel like himself again. Thank you!

So Tired!

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