Tuesday, November 06, 2007

In Other Words...

"In our lives the darkest times, the days that are bleak and black, add depth to every other experience. Like the dark bits of color in a mosaic, they add the contrast and shadows that give beauty to the whole, but they are just a small part of the big picture."

~ Amy Grant~

Mosaic: Pieces of My Life so Far
I confess I don't have a long treatise to write about this quote this week just because I have been so busy that I haven't been able to think about it at depth.

I do know, though, there is so much truth in these words. Overall, I have had a very happy life without very many "darkest times" but I have had a few. I have suffered the usual moments of angst in school. I have had my heart totally broken by a beau and I've lost my mother suddenly when she went to see Jesus. When I was in the midst of these hard times I felt like that was all there was. I couldn't see the bigger picture. I couldn't see that they really are just a small part of my life.

But, now that I can look back I can see where I have grown and learned from these experiences. I can see that everything is sewn together and how all the moments of my life affect each other. I feel like there is so much more to my life because I have learned truths that can only be learned by "going through the valley." Even though I couldn't do it at the time of each dark moment I can now thank God for them because of how he used them to help me grow and then used me in helping other people.

These darks times have added color to my life and I am sure there will be more color and shadows added in the future. But, I pray that God will give me the strength and wisdom I will need when the time comes.

9 Readers Shared Their Love:

Anonymous said...

[I can see where I have grown and learned from these experiences] Hind sight is a gift! The wisdom to look back demonstrates great character.

Blessings to you ~

Lisa said...

Sarah, thanks so much for participating in IOW this week, especially with being busy. I know how hard it is to make the time to write weekly. But I've been blessed each time I've spent considering the IOW quotes in light of God's truth. Thanks for your thought, "Even though I couldn't do it at the time of each dark moment I can now thank God for them because of how he used them to help me grow and then used me in helping other people." I can completely identify!

May God bless you extravagantly today!

Heather said...

In the midst of our dark moments, we can't see anything good about them, but in hind sight we see how God uses difficulty to mold us!

Sisterlisa said...

Sarah, I believe that since you recognized it now, if you do face a difficulty you will be able to walk through it with these thoughts.

Anonymous said...

There is so much in life that we can only begin to understand by looking back. Won't it be amazing when we get to heaven and look back? I wonder if we'll even care to look back? Blessings...

Denise said...

Be blessed sweet one.

Anonymous said...

Learning and growing - a colorful task indeed here on earth - so that we can be the beautiful masterpiece God intended when we meet Jesus!

Tea with Tiffany said...

Darkness is different for each of us. All experiences color our world. However I've learned the most through the hard times. And thankfully, I've had bright days too. Many, many of them.

Be blessed!

Anonymous said...

Sarah, I am very late enjoying this week's responses to IOW.We had a death in the family that day. But I wanted to be sure to stop by and read yours and thank you for stopping by my blog that day.

It is true that when in the dark, we can't see God's face sometimes, much less see the bigger picture. Thanks for sharing this well-spoken thoughts!