Sunday, February 24, 2008

Doing Much Better!

I haven't written until now because I didn't want to jinx myself by writing about it here.

I went to the doctor on Thursday to have my sinuses checked and I arrived convinced that I had a sinus infection, I would get an antibiotic and perhaps some decongestant, and I would be fine in a few days. Well, that just goes to show what I know.

The current Resident and the main Doctor both agreed that this is apparently "my season" for allergies and it is just my time to suffer. Ugh! Thankfully, they gave me a nasal spray steroid to snort everday to help keep things at bay. They said that I really should stay on it through May to get me through the heavy pollen season which is about to start here. I got the first month's worth of doses through office samples to try out and then I will get a prescription if I want to continue with it.

Well, I've been snorting each morning since Thursday and I have to say that I am MUCH BETTER. I have gotten so used to having a snotty head that having a regular, dry head felt too dry. I have gone at least two days without a sinus headache and I am loving it. So, this is what normal feels like?! I LIKE IT!

Thank you for any prayers that were offered for me!! They are working!!

1 Readers Shared Their Love:

Anonymous said...

Where's your latest post? I miss you.